| The seller has revised the following item information:
Revised Information
May-20-07 | 18:08:23 PDT | Description
| May-20-07 | 19:43:33 PDT | Description
| May-20-07 | 20:28:21 PDT | PictureURL: Pictures Added/Deleted
The seller may make revisions at any time during the listing period. Please take note of the following:
If the seller's item has received NO bids or sales and does not end within 12 hours, the seller can:
Revise anything in their listing except the selling format (for example, the seller can't change their auction item to an eBay Stores item).
In addition, the seller is not permitted to extend the duration of a listing.
If the seller's item has already received a bid/purchase or ends within 12 hours, the seller can only:
| -
Add to the item description, add item pictures, or add a second category.
(Exception: If the seller's listing already has a bid/purchase AND ends within 12 hours, the seller can't add to their description, add pictures, or add a second category.) -
Add optional seller features to increase the item's visibility.