Robot Competitions
En España
Asociación AESS de la UPC
El C.R.A., es el Grupo de Robótica de la EUPMt (UPC)
Club de Robótica-Mecatrónica, UAM
Robot autónomo rastreador.
Robot Wars Event -
BattleBots Event -
6.270 Autonomous Robot Design Competition MIT's famous robot competition
AAAI Mobile Robot Competition Sponsored by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence.
Aerial Robotics Competition This is the place for smart helicopters and blimps.
All-Japan Robot Sumo Worlds largest robot competition with 3000 robots entered!
BattleBots This is it! The most dangerous collection of battling robots in the world. Two hundred pound monsters who's only goal is to destroy the competition!
BEAM Their minimalist approach to robotics results in simple robots and fun competitions.
BEST An annual competition in which local high school students team up with local businesses.
BotBall Teams of High School students have six weeks to design, build, and program a small autonomous mobile robot. Three tournaments are scheduled for 1999!
Bot Bash People who like to build robots and the go out and smash them into each other.
Canada First Robotic Games Team-based robotics competition sponsored by business and industry to motivate students and expand the pool of 'technology literate' graduates.
Critter Crunch A robotic combat in which the object is to immobilize your opponent or to push him out of the arena. Two weight classes - 2 pounds and 20 pounds.
Fire Fighting Robot Contest Autonomous robots extinguish fires in a maze.
FIRST Corporations sponsor local High Schools across the US. Over two hundred robots expected at the next event.
Intelligent Robot Contest Sendai, Japan. Includes pictures for those of us who can't read Japanese.
International Festival of Sciences and Technologies France's big robot competition includes walking machines and Soccer.
International Ground Robotic Competition A big annual competition with almost $15,000 in prize money.
Micromouse Competition The UC Davis Micromouse page.
North East Indiana Robot Games Three weight classes of Robot Sumo Mayhem.
Robot Battles Head-to-head combat with other 'bots.
Robot Sumo The annual competition held at the Exploratorium in San Francisco also features rope climbing, maze, and other events.
Robot Wars A UK TV show that features robots in a contest of destruction and survival.
RoboCup The official home page for the international Robot Soccer competition.
RoboMania Radio controlled robot competition with $15,000 purse.
Robot Vacuum Cleaner Contest Fastest robot to vacuum 1/2 pound of rice wins!
Robothon The annual competition of the Seattle Robotics Society.
Singapore Robotic Games Eleven different competitions including legged robot race, wall climbing, and 'robot battlefield'.
USA Robot Sumo Japanese champions come to the US! $2000 first prize. Get paid $100 just to enter!
Underwater Robotics Competition If you think that 2D navigation is difficult, try 3D!
Walking Machine Decathlon Teams of students compete in the US, Canada, Mexico and France.
Western Canadian Robot Games Canada's premier robotic event includes Robot Sumo, BEAM, and Hockey.
The Trinity College Fire-Fighting Home Robot Contest is the parent competition to our "Extinguisher" contest. There are two divisions (Junior and Senior) and first place prize in each is $1000 US! Also, they will partially sponsor winners of our event so that they may travel to the Trinity event!
Want to program robots but dont have that mechanical intuition? Try out Robot Battle, This unique game allows robot designers to create a Virtual Robot and challenge other designers around the world.