Android World
Links to the world's largest android projects.
BioHazard Winner of the Robot Wars Competition.
Cabaret Mechanical Theatre A museum of Automata.
Cricket the Robot
Learn how to make your own robotic cricket.
CyberToys Collectible
robot toys.
Desktop Robotics and other robotics research.
Robots Rent a robot to be the life of the party!
FirstBot Free
plans and info on FirstBot.
The Khepera and Koala robots.
Machine Intelligence Lab at University of Florida
Norland Research SAM-
Small Android Model.
Ozzie's Robots
and space toys.
2000 Table Tennis robot.
Robot Gallery
Pictures of collectible toy robots.
Robot Sumo Sponsored by
Cool homebrew robots.
Satoru's Japanese Robot Sumo veteran.
Sci-Fi Toy
robots, Japanese robots, wind-up robots.
Sojourner Build
your own Mars Rover clone.
Space Race Toys
Robots, Rockets, and Ray guns.
Sumo Robots
Links to Japanese Sumo robots.
Team Sinister Robot
Wars Competitor.
The Robot Menu Cool
collection of robot pictures!
Walking Robots
With no sensors or motors!?
More Links
AK Peters
Publishers of robotics books.
Parts and information for easier robotics.
Amaxis Plans and kits for miniature CNC machine tools.
Forum Go here for tips on making your battling robot.
Decade Engineering
Genlocking serial video text display module.
Electronics Workbench An
electronics breadboard and lab on your PC.
Omnibot A place to
get replacement parts for your Omnibot.
Projects using the Basic Stamp, 8051, and Pic Microcontrollers.
Rodney Brooks Home Page
at MIT's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
Robot Builder's Resources
Where to get those hard to find robot parts.
Robot Information Central
Super robot links page.
Robot News
Our collection of articles about robots. Updated every week!
BattleBots competitor and fan club.
Robots Wanted Sell
your old robots here.
ServoLink Online calculators for chain and sprocket drives.
Shape Master Custom plastic components for electronics hobbyists.
Society of Robot Combat
Don't mess with these guys!
Terminal One
A robot links page.
Tool Tech
Cool CNC routers for those big projects.
The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
VersaTech Electronics BASIC language microcontroller.
Zorin Microcontrollers Control your world.