I have spent years tring to get all the parts to make the most popular Robot of all time R2D2!

Due to issues beyond my control I can not finish this project. It is about 97% complete. I will even include the correct paint colors for the R2D2 (Not many folks know about the right color codes, and I will include that with this R2 unit) over $350.00 for the paint alone.

I have even added a big bonus to this very rare chance auction. I have added all of my other R2D2 collectibles with this auction. NEW R2D2 phone, collector plate, cups, books, card board stand up plus much much more.

There is over a hunderd pieces in making a life size R2D2.
Here are some cool links
I have all the correct molds and lazer cutout skins for the body and I also included the wheels and various motors. The dome is ready to be cut and I will include the same real glass eye that is use in the real R2D2. Most of the other models are plastic and use cheap replica. But I will include all the correct parts to make the real macoy.
Here is a list of items that is included in this auction
1) Dome
2) Body
3) wheels
4) Complete body parts
5) motors (your can use your own)
6) servos
7) motorized leg extention (Rare)
8) Books and drawings
9) Numbered collector plate
10) Card board standup
11) R2D2 data bank
12) R2D2 phone
13) R2D2 collectables (various)
14) R2D2 dome bearings and braces.
15) The correct R2D2 Paint colors. (over $350)
hundreds of parts! This is the greatest toy that will give you satisfaction when you see peoples faces when they see it opperate and move around. TOO COOL!
Many other people have cheap versions of the R2D2.
Some are only cardboard R2D2s and they cost $3,000.
This is a chance to build a model that will last for years and years.
These are great at partys, parades, Malls......etc.

You will be a big hit with this Robot!
I have Thousands of dollars invested in this and hundreds of hours getting everything right.
Now here your chance to put the cool project together!
The only thing that you also need to buy is the electronics. (radio and misc controllers and lights)
These items are cheap and easy to get. you can get the radio controls that fit your needs. You can get a fancy as you want or keep it simple.
All the hard work is done and the fun is putting your very own R2D2 together and showing everyone what you have created. You can even be on TV when you show up in public with this cool robot.

you can even add a MP3 players to play music. or cameras or ???????
WOW!! What a Rare chance to get a life size cool toy!
People of all ages love R2D2!
If you try to get all these items I have listed seperately, it will cost over $10k!!!!
May the Force be with you. and thanks for looking!